Thursday, December 19, 2013
Thursday, December 12, 2013
The Battle Of Fredericksburg December 11- December 15 1862

Map of Battle Ambrose E. Burnside Union Major General

Battle of Fredericksburg was a crushing loss to the Union. Burnside
had eventually
the defeat but people had blamed Abraham Lincoln to force him to rush
into the battle. Burnside had replace Mclellan because Abraham
Lincoln though he was not aggressive enough. This battle was so
important because it was the biggest Civil war battle with the most
troops brought in estimated around 200,000. This can relate to the
reason why Lincoln was encouraged to allow escape and free slaves into the Union Army.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Robert Owen
Robert Owen was a wealthy and idealistic Scottish textile manufacturer who was seeking human betterment and founded a communal society in 1825 at New Harmony, Indiana. He was one of the founders of the Utopian Socialism. He created model community, in which the drive towards progress and prosperity through new technology of the Industrial Revolution was tempered by a caring and humane regime. He had a community education center for his workers, he outlined his visionary plans for an astonishingly progressive and enlightened system of education which he believed was the key to a happier society, and universal harmony.

"What ideas individuals may attach to the term "Millennium" I know not; but I know that society may be formed so as to exist without crime, without poverty, with health greatly improved, with little, if any misery, and with intelligence and happiness increased a hundredfold; and no obstacle whatsoever intervenes at this moment except ignorance to prevent such a state of society from becoming universal.”
Extract from Robert Owen’s "Address to the Inhabitants of New Lanark"
New Year’s Day, 1816
A: Robert Owen
P: New Lanark 1/01/1816
P: New Lanark was one of Robert Owen's Utopian Society Project.
A: Inhabitants of New Lanark
R: To inform his objective in his community and why it was created.
T: The community Is perfect. There is no crime, poverty, and little if any misery.
S: This set an example to the rest of the Utopian Societies created.

"What ideas individuals may attach to the term "Millennium" I know not; but I know that society may be formed so as to exist without crime, without poverty, with health greatly improved, with little, if any misery, and with intelligence and happiness increased a hundredfold; and no obstacle whatsoever intervenes at this moment except ignorance to prevent such a state of society from becoming universal.”
Extract from Robert Owen’s "Address to the Inhabitants of New Lanark"
New Year’s Day, 1816
A: Robert Owen
P: New Lanark 1/01/1816
P: New Lanark was one of Robert Owen's Utopian Society Project.
A: Inhabitants of New Lanark
R: To inform his objective in his community and why it was created.
T: The community Is perfect. There is no crime, poverty, and little if any misery.
S: This set an example to the rest of the Utopian Societies created.
Joseph Smith
Joseph Smith was an American religious leader who founded the Latter Day Saint Movement which began Mormonism during the Second Great Awakening. In the spring of 1820, Joseph went to a grove of trees near his home and knelt in prayer. He reported that he received golden plates from an Angel. This vision of Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ was the beginning of Joseph Smith's calling as a prophet of God. He was told that none of the churches on the earth had the fullness of truth. Over time, Joseph Smith was chosen to establish Christ's Church and restore the priesthood, or the authority to act in God's name. He was led by God to an ancient record and given the ability to translate it into English. With this he made the Book of Mormon. He continued to pray and receive revelation for the Church throughout his life. These revelations were compiled into a book of scriptures referred to as the Doctrine and Covenants and shows that God still leads His children today. Joseph Smith formally organized The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on April 6, 1830. Early Mormons endured serious persecution because of a perceived commercial, political and religious threat to their neighbors, so Joseph and the people he called to assist him had to lead multiple Mormon migrations to friendlier areas of the country. In 1844 he was murdered and mangled by a mob in Carthage, Illinois. However he is remembered as he has founded a religion and a religious culture that continues to up to this day.

Primary Source from The Pearl of Great Price is one of the four books comprising the Standard Works of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (verses 1-20)
A: Joseph Smith
P: Mid 1830s
P: Joseph Smith received golden plates from an Angel. When deciphered they constituted the book of Mormon, and the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints Mormons was launched.
A: Mormons
R: To tell us about the history of his family and how he lived and tell about the religious diversity at the time of the Second Great Awakening.
T: He was the next prophet of God and was going to show through translations that the people of Earth are still with God.
S: It tells us about him and what was his mission from God.

Primary Source from The Pearl of Great Price is one of the four books comprising the Standard Works of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (verses 1-20)
A: Joseph Smith
P: Mid 1830s
P: Joseph Smith received golden plates from an Angel. When deciphered they constituted the book of Mormon, and the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints Mormons was launched.
A: Mormons
R: To tell us about the history of his family and how he lived and tell about the religious diversity at the time of the Second Great Awakening.
T: He was the next prophet of God and was going to show through translations that the people of Earth are still with God.
S: It tells us about him and what was his mission from God.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Sgt. John Riley, San Patricio Battalion, Formerly U.S. Army
San Patricio Battalion's Flag
Originally, I'm from a small town in Ireland. I joined the U.S. Army and became a drillmaster at West Point, training men to be soldiers. Now the army considers me a deserter a traitor. That's not how I see it. I was sent to invade Mexico with the Army. The U.S. had no right to be there. It was like the British occupying Ireland. Mexicans were treated cruelly. The Mexicans appealed to me to leave the U.S. Army and to join theirs. And I did. I became a lieutenant and about 260 U.S. soldiers joined me fighting on the Mexican side. In Boston and Philadelphia, the Protestants had burned our Catholic Churches. The Mexicans are Catholic too. But now, we are captured. Most of us have been sentenced to death by hanging. The "lucky" ones are to be given 50 lashes with a whip, forced to dig the graves for our friends who will be executed, and then branded on our cheeks with the letter "D" for deserter. They brand with hot irons the faces of the Irish deserters and then hang them from the gallows. The Saint Patrick Irish Battalion arrived with the invaders, but fought alongside the invaded.
From the north to Molino del Rey, the Irish made theirs the fate, ill fate, of the Mexicans. Many died defending the Churubusco monastery without ammunition. The prisoners, their faces burned, rock to and fro on the gallows. -Eduardo Galeano, Masks and Faces
This is a quote from the book of Masks and Faces by Eduardo Galeano. In this quote it shows how the Mexicans honored the San Patricio Battalion. It tells about how they suffered by being ironed on their face and some executed yet they still fought and kept moving forward. These soldiers of the San Patricio Battalion with everything they had all until they ran out ammunition and finally they were put down in the Battle of Churubusco.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Jefferson Presidency Wars and Rebellions 1801-1809
Thomas Jefferson was an American Founding Father and the third president of The United States of America. He served his presidency from 1801-1809; however, during this time many wars and rebellions occurred. Some of these wars and rebellions were the First Barbary War and Chesapeake Affair. With these wars and rebellions came a conclusion to the war which were peace negotiations such as acts or treaties.

The First Barbary war was a war between the United States of America and Barbary States from 1801 to 1805. During this time period US shipping was being terrorized by pirates supported from several states in North Africa. These captured American seaman were thrown into slavery and their cargo was taken by the pirates. When Thomas Jefferson was inaugurated in 1801, the Pasha of Tripoli demanded $225,000. Jefferson refused and the Pasha declared Tripoli at war with the U.S. on May 10, 1801. There was never a formal declaration of war by the but the American Navy immediately partnered with Sweden to blockade Tripoli. American blockade continued through 1803.The USS Philadelphia was captured in October 1803 and turned against the U.S. In 1804 the U.S. Navy destroyed the USS Philadelphia by burning it to prevent it to be used against them. The city Derna of Tripoli was captured by the first U.S. Marines in the Battle of Derna in May 1805. A treaty to end hostilities was signed by Tripoli the next month. The U.S. still had to pay for the release of American hostages. $600,000 was paid called a ransom.

The First Barbary war was a war between the United States of America and Barbary States from 1801 to 1805. During this time period US shipping was being terrorized by pirates supported from several states in North Africa. These captured American seaman were thrown into slavery and their cargo was taken by the pirates. When Thomas Jefferson was inaugurated in 1801, the Pasha of Tripoli demanded $225,000. Jefferson refused and the Pasha declared Tripoli at war with the U.S. on May 10, 1801. There was never a formal declaration of war by the but the American Navy immediately partnered with Sweden to blockade Tripoli. American blockade continued through 1803.The USS Philadelphia was captured in October 1803 and turned against the U.S. In 1804 the U.S. Navy destroyed the USS Philadelphia by burning it to prevent it to be used against them. The city Derna of Tripoli was captured by the first U.S. Marines in the Battle of Derna in May 1805. A treaty to end hostilities was signed by Tripoli the next month. The U.S. still had to pay for the release of American hostages. $600,000 was paid called a ransom.
On June 22, 1807, the American frigate Chesapeake was stopped by the British ship Leopard for inspection for possible deserters. The Chesapeake’s captain refused and the British opened fire, damaging the ship. The American ship was boarded and four accused deserters were forcibly removed. This occurred of the coast of Norfolk,Virginia. The event led tensions between Britain and was a leading event to the war of 1812. Jefferson passed the Embargo Act in 1807 against Britain and France in response violations of U.S. neutrality.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
John Adams
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George Washington |

Adams's a Federalist high visibility as vice president put him as the leading contender for President in 1796 against Thomas Jefferson. John Adams received most of his support from New England and won 71 to 68 in the Electoral College. Jefferson as a runner up became vice president. John Adams became president of the United States of America on March 4, 1797. When he entered office there was war between France and Britain. The British caused difficulties for U.S on high seas and intense partnership among contending factions with the nation. Adams hoped to avoid open war so he sent delegation xyz in an event known as the XYZ affair. In this event they hoped to work out a problem and create a treaty. This event made the Federalist very popular which was important because Adams was not a really favored president. However it failed as tensions still occurred and an undeclared naval was known as Quasi War occurred.
During the Quasi War in 1798 four bills were passed by the Federalist in congress. They were signed by John Adams and it gave him the power to imprison or depot aliens suspected of activities or posing a threat to the national government. Long negotiations ended the Quasi war however had lost the popularity of the federalist which is Adams was defeated for another term by Thomas Jefferson.

Thursday, September 12, 2013
Salem Witch Trials 1692-1693
The Salem Witch Trials 1692-1693
The Salem Witch Trials was an event that occurred in Colonial Massachusetts in the village
of Salem.
This event occurred between February 1692 and May 1693. In this event there was a series of prosecutions as people were being accused for the use of witchcraft. Witchcraft is the practice and belief of magic and in this case these people were being accused for devils magic meaning they had a secret alliance with the devil. These people who practiced witchcraft were known as witches and Christians believed that the devil will give them certain powers to harm people in return for his faithfulness. In 1689 the English rulers began a war between France and American colonies known as King William's War. The war destroyed many upstate regions including the Salem Village. This was a cause to the Salem With Trials because the war destroyed the region causing family rivalries as they fought over limited resources. In January 1692 Reverend Parris daughter Elizabeth and niece Abigail Williams they began having fits. these to young girls began to scream strange sounds and twist themselves into strange positions. The doctor blamed the supernatural for this kind of behavior. On February 29 these girls blamed three woman for their suffering and illness. Since the Christians believed that the devil is in fact on Earth and causes diseases and catastrophes. These three woman Tituba, a Caribbean slave, Sarah Good a homeless, and Sarah Osborne a old poor woman were acused of being a witch whom were servants of the devil.
The Tituba and both Sarahs were the first of many accused of witchcraft. Out of the three Tituba agreed that she had came in contact with the devil. Tituba admitted that there was many more witches looking to kill the Puritans, so they were imprisoned. Later on another woman known as Martha Corey was accused of witch craft as well and was a loyal member of the church. The Puritans began to realize that anyone could be a witch. On May 27, 1692 Governor William Phipps called for a Special Court of Oyer and Terminer. In their first case with Bridget Bishop she was accused guilty and sentenced to death. She became the first of many to be killed and hanged at Gallows Hill a barren slope near Salem Village for hanging.
Mostly all of these people were accused of
witchcraft due to spectral evidence. Spectral evidence is a type of evidence based on dreams and visions. The evidence was supernatural so for example a person can say a witch casted spells on them when that certain "Witch" was never even near that person. A man Known as Increase Mather who was a Puritan minister argued that spectral evidence was being misused. He wrote a letter to the court and published a book called Case of Conscience supporting his argument in 1693. This helped bring an end to the Salem Witch Trials as Governor Phipps and his wife began to be questioned about the witchcraft he put a stop to all arrest and vanished the Supreme Court of Oyer and Terminer on October 29, 1693. Eventually the colony realized they had made a mistake and paid the families of the ones convicted for their loss.
Increase Mather

Friday, August 23, 2013

Maryland was an English colony founded in 1634 by Lord Baltimore. Maryland is a located in North America in the Mid Atlantic Region near Virginia and Pennsylvania. George Calvert 1st Baron Baltimore was of a prominent English Catholic family. Lord Baltimore originally wanted to create Maryland for it to be a Haven for English Catholics in the New World. A Haven is a sheltered place or a place of rest well secured. On June 12, 1632 Charles I of England granted the original charter of Maryland. About 12 million acres was granted to Lord Baltimore; however, some of Maryland's territory was lost in 1760s when Charles II granted some land of Pennsylvania to overlap Maryland. A reason on why Charles I wanted granted the colony of Maryland was to occupy Delaware River valley from the Dutch New World territory New Netherlands whom was England's rival at the time.
On March 25, 1634 the first settlers arrived on St. Clement's Island. Maryland was name after Charles wife Henrietta Maria of France " Terra Mariae Angelice, Maryland". These settlers who landed on St. Clement's Island where led by Leonardo Calvert who is Lord Baltimore's younger brother. Leonardo Calvert later became the new colony's first governor. Some natives they encountered where the Yaocomico. The colonist purchased land from the Yaocomico Indians and founded St. Mary City's. However there were some conflict with Indians in 1642 the colony of Maryland declared war against the Susquehannok. The colony of Maryland was defeated in 1644 but in 1652 a peace treaty between the Susquehannok and the colony of Maryland was formed.
Maryland's economy blossomed from the acres of tobacco. Tobacco was a major product shipped to Europe at some points in tobacco was used as currency. Maryland depended for labor to work on their tobacco fields the first workers were white indentured servants. These white indentured servants were penniless people who worked for years in order to pay for their passage from the Old World. In the late 17th century these indentured servants eventually changed to a large number of black of slaves that were imported. The main religion in Maryland was Catholicism but heavy tides of Protestants threated to submerge the Catholics. So with great support the Catholics of Maryland supported the Act of Toleration which was passed in 1649. The Act of Toleration granted toleration to all Christians. Maryland sheltered more Roman Catholics than any other English colony in the New world.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Pedro Menendez de Aviles
Pedro Menendez de Aviles was a Spanish explorer and commander of a naval squadron born on February 15, 1519 in Asturias, Spain. In 1565 with permission from King Philip II him and his Spanish Navy voyaged to Florida to begin a form a colony. Pedro is the founder of St. Agustine a city located in North East Florida which was known to be the capital of Spanish Florida for two hundred years. Pedro became the first governor of Spanish Florida. Spanish Florida refers to the territory which was under Spanish rule in Florida. Pedro also was the designer of the treasure fleet system which was used in the Spanish treasure fleet to bring goods and luxury from the new world to Spain. Pedro in his final years became governor of Cuba shortly after his arrival in Cuba.
Pedro was sent to Florida to kill the French who had settled there and set Spanish rule in florida. Pedro was on a voyage to Florida to destroy the French's Fort Caroline which was previous territory of Spain. The Catholic Spanish considered the French to be dangerous heretics. When Pedro settle into the shore on August 28, 1565 the feast day of St. Agustine Hippo he named the colony St. Agustine. Pedro then later on went to have the first Catholic mass in the new world and continental United States. On September 20 ,1565 Pedro led an attack against the French at Fort Caroline they went to over throw and later on gained the fort and coast in Spanish hands. Fort Caroline was a French colony located in modern day Jacksonville, Florida. Pedro had nearly killed all the French when he took over and he imprisoned the captured French.
Pedro wanted to be sure that Florida remained under Spanish rule. In order for this to happen Pedro explored up and down the coast of the Atlantic shores. In 1566 Pedro had watchtowers built to guard at Cape Canaveral and Bicayne Bay. Pedro then explored to what is now Paris Island, Carolina and that city became the capital of Spanish Florida named Santa Elena. Pedro was a man who encouraged his religion to the Native Americans. One of his goals was to convert Native Americans to Catholics, so he requested more priest and settlers. Pedro died in Santander, Spain on September 17, 1574 before coming to Florida to bring more settlers.
Pedro was sent to Florida to kill the French who had settled there and set Spanish rule in florida. Pedro was on a voyage to Florida to destroy the French's Fort Caroline which was previous territory of Spain. The Catholic Spanish considered the French to be dangerous heretics. When Pedro settle into the shore on August 28, 1565 the feast day of St. Agustine Hippo he named the colony St. Agustine. Pedro then later on went to have the first Catholic mass in the new world and continental United States. On September 20 ,1565 Pedro led an attack against the French at Fort Caroline they went to over throw and later on gained the fort and coast in Spanish hands. Fort Caroline was a French colony located in modern day Jacksonville, Florida. Pedro had nearly killed all the French when he took over and he imprisoned the captured French.
Pedro wanted to be sure that Florida remained under Spanish rule. In order for this to happen Pedro explored up and down the coast of the Atlantic shores. In 1566 Pedro had watchtowers built to guard at Cape Canaveral and Bicayne Bay. Pedro then explored to what is now Paris Island, Carolina and that city became the capital of Spanish Florida named Santa Elena. Pedro was a man who encouraged his religion to the Native Americans. One of his goals was to convert Native Americans to Catholics, so he requested more priest and settlers. Pedro died in Santander, Spain on September 17, 1574 before coming to Florida to bring more settlers.
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