Joseph Smith was an American religious leader who founded the Latter Day Saint Movement which began Mormonism during the Second Great Awakening. In the spring of 1820, Joseph went to a grove of trees near his home and knelt in prayer. He reported that he received golden plates from an Angel. This vision of Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ was the beginning of Joseph Smith's calling as a prophet of God. He was told that none of the churches on the earth had the fullness of truth. Over time, Joseph Smith was chosen to establish Christ's Church and restore the priesthood, or the authority to act in God's name. He was led by God to an ancient record and given the ability to translate it into English. With this he made the Book of Mormon. He continued to pray and receive revelation for the Church throughout his life. These revelations were compiled into a book of scriptures referred to as the Doctrine and Covenants and shows that God still leads His children today. Joseph Smith formally organized The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on April 6, 1830. Early Mormons endured serious persecution because of a perceived commercial, political and religious threat to their neighbors, so Joseph and the people he called to assist him had to lead multiple Mormon migrations to friendlier areas of the country. In 1844 he was murdered and mangled by a mob in Carthage, Illinois. However he is remembered as he has founded a religion and a religious culture that continues to up to this day.

Primary Source from The Pearl of Great Price is one of the four books comprising the Standard Works of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (verses 1-20)
A: Joseph Smith
P: Mid 1830s
P: Joseph Smith received golden plates from an Angel. When deciphered they constituted the book of Mormon, and the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints Mormons was launched.
A: Mormons
R: To tell us about the history of his family and how he lived and tell about the religious diversity at the time of the Second Great Awakening.
T: He was the next prophet of God and was going to show through translations that the people of Earth are still with God.
S: It tells us about him and what was his mission from God.
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